TriEagle PrimeTime is a risk free, voluntary demand response and usage tracking program available exclusively to TriEagle customers. The PrimeTime program allows you to earn credits that can be applied to monthly invoices and also provides insight through into your electric usage consumption through weekly energy usage reports.

Prime Time FAQs

What is TriEagle PrimeTime?
TriEagle PrimeTime is a risk-free, voluntary Demand Response program available exclusively to Texas TriEagle customers that allows the opportunity to earn credit on monthly statements by lowering electric consumption during Critical Power Events.

What is a PrimeTime Critical Power Event?
TriEagle Energy constantly monitors weather patterns and energy usage across the state. When there is a crisis on the Texas grid and market prices are at high levels, TriEagle Energy will alert you by email and/or text message requesting that you reduce your consumption starting at a specific time that day. You will be paid a reward for every kWh you are able to curtail off of your baseline usage (what we anticipated you to use during this timeframe). Events typically last for 3 to 5 hours.

What is Demand Response?
During times of peak energy consumption, utilities may call for a demand response to relieve the extra stress on the electrical grids. Demand response refers to the change in a consumer’s electricity usage to due changes in the price or demand of electricity.

Who qualifies to participate in a Critical Power Event?
TriEagle PrimeTime is available for all Texas market TriEagle customers who have a SmartMeter or IDR meter.

How will I be notified that an event will occur?
You will receive a Critical Power Event Alert via email from to the email address provided when enrolling for service with Tri Eagle and/or a text message if you have enrolled. In order to make sure you are alerted when Critical Power Events are being called, please make sure that we have your correct email address on file. Also, make sure that you have not opted out of receiving Criti­cal Power Event Alerts and Reminders, and that our emails are not going to your "spam" folder.

If I shift usage, when will I get a credit on my invoice?
Once we receive the data from your SmartMeter, PrimeTime will send all participants and email with usage information and the dollar amount of their reward to be credited to their monthly invoice. These emails are usually sent 5-7 days after an event. The curtailing reward should reflect on the next billing cycle and invoice from TriEagle Energy.

Tips on How Businesses Can Shift Electricity Usage During Critical Power Events

  • Adjust HVAC (air conditioning) settings as high as 78°F to reduce cooling demand Cool earlier in the day to drop the temperature in buildings prior to Critical Power Events
  • Allow employees to wear appropriate summer clothing to ensure their comfort.
  • Turn off lights where possible (It can be fun to work in the dark for the afternoon!)
  • Turn off any computers, printers, fax machines and other office equipment not in use
  • Adjust work schedules to reduce energy use during peak demand periods (typically between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM)
  • For water pumping operations (wastewater facilities, pipeline operations, hospitals, etc.) rather than pumping all material in a short period of time with a high horsepower pump, use a smaller pump and accomplish the task over longer time periods.
  • Backup generators, if available, can be used for peak shifting to handle large electrical loads that cannot be shifted away from peak operating periods.
  • Become familiar with your facility’s load profile to help determine the cause of your demand curve peaks

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