Electricity Facts Label (EFL)
TriEagle Energy, LP

Sure Value 24
Average Monthly Use: 500 kWh 1000 kWh 2000 kWh
Average price per kWh: 17¢ 13.5¢ 14.7¢

Your average price per kWh for electric service will depend on your usage and the following pricing components:
Base Charge: Per Month ($) $4.95
Energy Charge: Per kWh (¢)  
All kWh:   16¢
Average prices per kWh listed above do not include facility relocation fees or other charges ordered by a municipality. For information, please go to www.trieagleenergy.com/municipalfees.
Other Key
Terms and
A bill credit of $30 will be applied for each billing cycle in which usage is 1000 kWh or more.
Each month you will also be billed all taxes, including sales tax, and reimbursement for the state miscellaneous gross receipts tax as applicable.

See Terms of Service Agreement for a full listing of fees, deposit policy, and other terms.
Type of Product Fixed Price
Contract Term 24 Months
Do I have a termination fee or any fees associated with terminating service? Yes.
Early Cancellation Fee: $20 multiplied by the number of months remaining in your current Fixed Rate term.
Can my price change during contract period? Yes
If my price can change, how will it change, and by how much? Your price will not change during the term of this plan except to reflect actual changes in TDU charges; changes to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas or Texas Regional Entity administrative fees; or changes resulting from federal, state or local laws that impose new or modified fees or costs that are beyond our control.
What other fees may I be charged? See Pricing and Fees Section of your Terms of Service Agreement for non-recurring fees.
Is this a pre-pay or pay in advance product? No
Does the REP purchase excess distributed renewable generation? No
Renewable Content: This product is 9.0 % renewable.
The statewide average for renewable content is: 33.0%
TriEagle Energy, LP        REP No. 10064
P.O. BOX 650544, Dallas, Texas 75265-0544
(877) 933-2453 (toll-free 7AM-10PM CT, 7 days/week)
E-mail address: customercare@trieagleenergy.com
Website: www.TriEagleEnergy.com
Sure Value 24